Why waste countless working days writing reports, letters and documentation when SwiftCase can do it for you in a matter of seconds? Our customers have revolutionised the way they produce documents through some simple, but ingenious time saving methods.
Here are three ways you can use your SwiftCase system to reduce admin time when it comes to writing up those pesky reports.
Producing documents for your business needs has never been easier with SwiftCase.
Life’s too short for stressing over report deadlines – Get started today.
1. Standard paragraphs
If you write bespoke reports for your clients and you like to work against templated answers, you may find the standard paragraph question type to be extremely useful. When you add a standard paragraph question to your workflow form, it gives the user the ability to add content from a list of pre-written answers in a dropdown list. It even allows you to select multiple answers – building up a templated, customised report for your customers in a swift and simple manner. The advantage of this method is it gives the user the ability to quickly modify the paragraphs to suit their needs, and with our easy to use interface, you can add, update or remove your existing standard paragraphs whenever you please. Using this feature can help you implement a standardised voice across your reports, but with the added flexibility of editing on the fly.
2. Show/hide based on answers
Does your workflow only require particular questions to be asked if another question has been answered ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or some other criteria? SwiftCase can be configured to show and hide questions based on the answers of others, which reduces the need for your staff to spend hours skipping through a variety of unnecessary checks and reduces the risk of error. This has worked wonders for clients who need to produce questionnaires or perform quality checks for their clients.
3. Document logic
If you want to completely automate your reports, applying some logic to your document templates can work wonders. SwiftCase can generate dynamic documents that produce different content depending on the answers given in your workflow process – or even based on anything relating to the users attached to that task. This is incredibly handy if a particular sentence, table, image, graph (or more) should only appear in your report under specific circumstances. For example, you may want to show a section on retirement if the client is over 65. The document can be configured to use logic that recognises this and make the appropriate content adjustment. This method alone has saved our customers thousands of administration hours and in some cases has completely removed the requirement of human intervention.