The creation and storage of digital documents in business has become ubiquitous in recent years. Any documents not created digitally are eventually scanned and stored that way. Filing cabinets and boxes of folders feature less and less in our work lives as time goes on. This is good for business efficiency and also more environmentally friendly than traditional paper records. But are you storing your files and records in the most effective and easily accessible manner?
One solution is cloud-based document management. Cloud computing is a way of working that utilises online services and applications. These are available to users on demand via the internet, rather than having to use a specific software package or database accessible only from certain computers. This means that users can log in anywhere via a web-based interface, rather than having to be present in one location – connecting to an office network, for example.
Cloud-based document management is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to invest in storing data and setting up networks on-site for their document needs. As the cost of server space falls, and online security becomes ever more sophisticated, cloud-based solutions are increasingly seen as an affordable and safe alternative.
Cloud-based services are typically charged per month or year, and the cost depends on the amount of storage space you require for your business needs. The more documents you need to save in the cloud, the more you pay. It is important therefore to make sure you have sufficient storage, without paying over the odds for server space you’re not using.
SwiftCase is a cloud-based case management software solution that features easy to use, powerful document uploading and storage features. Documents and photos can be uploaded to the cloud using the document manager section. These files are associated with a specific case, and a log shows exactly when they were uploaded and who by. Every case has its relevant files listed on its own page, and they can be viewed by any staff member that you have granted access.
SwiftCase is secure a secure software solution, and documents will only be viewable to those staff you decide on, not to anybody else. Different levels of access can be allocated to users depending on their roles and responsibilities. A responsive interface means that documents can be uploaded or viewed on the move, from tablets or smart phones, as well as desktop computers.
If you’re looking for a secure, cloud-based case management system with excellent document management features, get in touch today.