
Excellent Business Process Automation

Updated 06/01/2021

Automating the processes, that make up your workflow, is a great way to boost productivity, facilitate growth and focus your energy on providing excellent services.

Real-time Monitoring

Keep a close eye on the work streams you need to monitor carefully with custom task listings, e.g. an important new client or staff under review. Instantly see issues forming with our Red Amber Green (RAG) system for alerting you to tasks falling outside of expected progress. Improve focus by concentrating on your tasks or gain an overview of your team’s or wider organisation’s workload.

Process Audit

Increase accountability, through the logging of all actions and data changes against users, including your clients with access to the SwiftCase portal. Improve follow-through by configuring tasks to renew on an anniversary automatically, or recurring frequency, e.g. every month. Review the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes from the management insight gleaned from the strong audit data.

Enhanced Communication

Improve customer service while reducing support time required needed to answer phone calls, as customers can now see how tasks are progressing in real-time and receive automatic updates as tasks progress. Don’t waste time reading emails, automatically create tasks, save attachments and acknowledge the receipt, with a full audit trail. Avoid roadblocks to your progress with auto-chasing of missing information from clients or suppliers.

Clear Insight

Boost efficiency of business processes from the use of performance information to identify bottlenecks in your workflows. Better decision making from the insight available across a range of businesses indicators including client profitability. Develop consistency in meeting your SLAs, with warnings and automated actions to ensure compliance.

Integrate Datastreams

Free time wasted on manual data entry by integrating your current systems, or even client’s software directly with SwiftCase workflow management platform. Reduce errors from inputting mistakes as data flows seamlessly from system to system, or even automatically read from an email, text message or uploaded document. Gain insight from cross-referenced sources of information that would have previously required days of work, now done at the click of a button. See how SwiftCase can help you automate your business processes today – Get your free demo now.
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