
Masonry Blog

Are you doing enough to secure customer data?

We live in a world where cyber-crime and ransomware hacks are on the increase, often with devastating consequences for those organisations caught unaware. In this climate, your customers may well be wary about handing over data if you can’t guarantee … Read More

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The internet of things in the UK

The term “Internet of Things” (or IoT for short), is a phrase coined by technology expert and entrepreneur Kevin Ashton in 1999, although variations on the concept had existed previously. It describes a network of physical devices embedded with electronics … Read More

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What are S.O.L.I.D principles in programming?

SOLID is an acronym for five object-oriented design principles. S – Single responsibility principle O – Open-closed principle L – Liskov substitution principle I – Interface segregation principle D – Dependency Inversion Principle The intention behind these five principles is … Read More

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Is the paperless office still a dream?

In a BBC news feature from 2012, the author pointed out that despite existing for 40 years as a concept, the widespread reality of an entirely “paperless office” had yet to materialise. The average administrative worker uses 10,000 sheets of … Read More

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The future of cashless payments

The ability to take cashless payments for your business, either in-store or online has benefits far beyond customer convenience. Not having to collect, count up and transport cash is the most obvious one. Having a running total of all of … Read More

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What SwiftCase optimisation means for you

With the release of SwiftCase 2.0, the team have taken the opportunity to optimise the system in various ways. As we added new features in this version, it became apparent that existing functionality could also be improved. We have internally … Read More

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Four ways to speed up your website

Website speed is a crucial part of website design that is often surprisingly neglected. According to, theedesign.com the majority of users expect web pages to load in at least 2 seconds and web traffic will drop by around 40% if … Read More

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The future of autonomous vehicles in the UK

In 2015, the company Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), in collaboration with the University of Oxford, tested their Lutz Pathfinder car on the roads of Milton Keynes, the first time an autonomous vehicle was permitted by the UK government to travel … Read More

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The benefits of cloud-based file storage

Cloud-based storage is a model in which digital files are stored on remote servers and made accessible over the internet. The service is snowballing in its usage and is becoming the standard across many industries. Cloud hosting facilities are maintained … Read More

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Firefox Quantum – What’s new?

Firefox 57, released on 14th November 2017 is the first of several releases Mozilla are labelling Firefox Quantum. This version sees the company aiming to reestablish itself as a leading web browser provider, after several years of decline, mostly due … Read More

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