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The Environmental Benefits of Workflow Automation

Automating your workflow with a software solution can increase productivity, save you time and stress, and help your business to grow. But one overlooked benefit is that it could contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. Save the Trees UK statistics … Read More

CMS or PHP Framework – Which is Better?

There are many different options businesses, or individuals can take when creating a website. Currently, two common ways are content management systems (CMS) or PHP frameworks. What are CMS and PHP Frameworks? CMS are web-based applications that allow users to … Read More

Workflow Automation and the Access Economy

Automated workflow software makes it possible to create and realise business models that would have not necessarily been profitable in the past. By cutting overheads such as physical business locations and administrative infrastructure, barriers to entry in the market are … Read More

Automated Resource Management

This quarter, we are releasing one of our biggest new features, our resource manager, that manages the booking of employee time and other resources, such as hot desks, vehicles, etc. You can allocate work to employees based on their skills, … Read More

Optimise Your Email Inbox Management

An exciting new ‘Email to Task’ feature has recently been added to SwiftCase that has proven to increase productivity and improve customer satisfaction. The overall goal was to optimise the management of incoming emails. Clients who adopted this feature have … Read More

Long-Term Planning with Automated Business Data

Long-term planning as a business is important to stay relevant and competitive in any given market. However, it is essential if you are looking to expand your market share, or diversify into other sectors. Automating the generation of business data … Read More

SwiftCase for Managers

This is the first in a series of posts that introduce the functions and benefits of SwiftCase through the eyes of users at various levels in an organisation. Each day, we’ll be looking at how SwiftCase is used day-to-day by … Read More

Upcoming Document Manager Improvements

During 2017, we have started development to rebuild and restructure a number of SwiftCase features into microservice architecture, or simply microservices. This is the principal of developing software applications as a series of individually deployed, lightweight modules that perform specific … Read More

What’s new with SwiftCase?

Since the very beginning, our vision has always been for SwiftCase to continually improve and adapt to our users’ needs. The main advantage of cloud-based software is that it can be updated and expanded at any time, with no disadvantages … Read More

Five Ways You Can Eliminate Business Inefficiency

Every business should be striving to root out and eliminate inefficiency, but it is often a challenge to identify where you could be wasting time, money and resources in the first place. Being unaware of alternative ways of managing your … Read More