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5 Priorities for MDs Who Have Remote Teams

Updated 09/02/2022 The pandemic forced many business owners to leave behind a traditional office setup and go all-in with leading remote teams. It accelerated the “work from home” trend, making this the “new normal” rather than an exception to the … Read More

Service Level Agreements: Discover How To Get Awesome Results

  How do you ensure that you meet the promises that you give to your clients? For every service, your business offers, your customer will have expectations of the quality and timeliness of your provision. Failure to live up to … Read More

Business Finances: Take Back Control

Updated 26/01/2022 Discover how to keep your business finances under control. Stay organised, get paid on time, every time and monitor client performance to locate any issues. Ensuring that you get paid for all the work that you do is … Read More

Help to Grow: Digital x SwiftCase

The government have recently introduced two Help to Grow schemes to boost business productivity; Help to Grow Management and Help to Grow Digital.  We are delighted that SwiftCase, our Workflow Management CRM has been selected as approved software for the … Read More

How to choose which business process to automate

Updated 12/01/2022 Automation can accelerate your business growth by maximising your productivity and improving your effectiveness. However, an automated process is only effective if it is worthwhile automating. A terrible process automated is just a terrible process that runs more … Read More

Choice Overload – Be a cunning cat, not a humming fox

Updated 05/01/2022 The Fox and the cat is an ancient fable about the perils of choice: A Fox was boasting to a Cat of its clever devices for escaping its enemies. “I have a whole bag of tricks,” he said, … Read More

How can paraplanners improve their productivity?

Updated 29/12/2021 In this article, I will cover how paraplanners can leverage technology to improve their productivity across the range of tasks and responsibilities they have to meet for the end client and financial planners. Managing multiple clients for Paraplanners … Read More

Keep Compliant, Keep your Company

Updated 22/12/2021 Although you may mean well, your good intentions will not amount to much in the eyes of the law. It can be tricky to follow all the many rules and regulations of compliance: GDPR, Health and Safety, Employment … Read More

Stop saying “I don’t have the time to do that”

Updated 15/12/2021 How many times have you said, or heard someone say, “I don’t have the time to that”? We all lead busy lives. There are a massive number of draws on our time, and increasingly so. In 1995, only … Read More

Delight your customers to reduce churn with a CRM

Updated 08/12/2021 It is so much harder to gain a new customer than to keep an existing customer, so, why are businesses so obsessed with new sales, rather than the success of their current clients? In this article, I will … Read More