Sustainable business growth through automation

Growing your business is one thing, but maintaining that growth over time is another matter. Identifying what led to your success in the first place and building on that, without running into cash-flow problems is a real challenge. In economic … Read More

Checkout free shopping, the future of retail?

Amazon’s new grocery store, Amazon Go, recently to the public in Seattle, the United States after five years in development and 14 months of testing by Amazon employees. Amazon Go isn’t just an ordinary grocery store, what sets it apart … Read More

The benefits of automating your approval process

Most modern organisations have set processes in place to approve actions in areas such as project management, expenses, annual leave, pricing, and hiring. These decisions need to be assigned to either a person or group with the expertise and authority … Read More

Automated business activity monitoring

Manually checking through a system for problems, or information such as which tasks are closest to a deadline can be time-consuming and prone to error. Actions like running reports, executing database queries and using a search function are a partial … Read More

Integrate third-party information into your workflow

Businesses often depend on information provided by a third-party to enhance or authenticate their products and reports. The other party usually being an expert in that field, supplying the data at a cost. This information will need to be integrated … Read More

Why is user experience so important in BPM?

Traditionally, some of the more powerful BPM systems have had the disadvantage of being inaccessible to users lacking specialist training, or programming skills. As BPM moves to the cloud and becomes increasingly common for smaller and medium sized businesses, systems … Read More

Reducing human error through automation

The possibility of human error presents challenges varying in scope and severity across every sector of industry. Mistakes made by employees might cause a loss of revenue or a missed deadline for some organisations, but in fields like engineering or … Read More

Automate your sales process and increase conversions

The framework used to gather new leads and customers is variously described as the sales “funnel”, “pipeline” or “process”. Drawing from concepts like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action), a plan is drawn out to define the steps required to … Read More

Apprenticeship goals for the year ahead

Aims for the year ahead I plan to develop a range of abilities that are relevant to the modern IT industry. Starting out with a basic grounding in SQL, HTML and Java, I look to expand on this foundation, as … Read More

Is it time to switch to a client portal?

If your business is dealing with a high volume of requests and enquiries via phone and email, you may find effectively staying on top of communications a major pain point. Staff expending time and effort to constantly update clients on … Read More