
Stratus Blog

Follow along with us as we share our experiences in the industry - the highs, the lows, and everything that falls in between.

Power-up Your Productivity – 7 Steps to an Awesome To-do List

Updated 21/04/2021 Fail to plan, then plan to fail. If you don’t know what you are going to do each day, then you will waste hours drifting from one task to another, with no relation to your long term goals. … Read More

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Get More Done – Train Someone Else To Do It

Updated 14/04/2021 Train people well enough that they can leave. Treat them well enough, so they don’t want to – Richard Branson You can’t do everything yourself Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “If you want a thing done well, do it … Read More

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Is Exercise the Secret to Supercharging Your Productivity?

Updated 07/04/2021 True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united – Wilhelm von Humboldt An obvious immediate benefit of exercise is that it helps to look after your health. If … Read More

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Planning to Get Things Done

Updated 24/03/2021 The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time – Abraham Lincoln Fighting Fires Modern life calls on our time in more ways than ever before. Ten years ago, the first iPhone … Read More

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Need More Hours Every Day to Grow Your Business?

Updated 17/03/2021 Meetings Have you ever been in a meeting where most of the participants don’t participate? Do many of your meetings seem like an excuse for coffee and croissants? Executives are estimated to spend an average of 23 hours … Read More

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The Secret of Medium-Term Planning to Become More Productive

Updated 10/03/2021 Get the Balance Right Taking one day at a time has many advantages in getting things done. There is a danger though of thinking too short term. If you only think of the next day then, there is … Read More

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Discover the Secret of Boosting Sales Revenue by 28%

Updated 31/03/2021 When you consider all the decisions you must make as an entrepreneur, especially in a start-up, it is mind-blowing. Some decisions are one-offs that you need to answer, but the majority of decisions related to your business will … Read More

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Why Your Estimates Are a Disaster and How To Do It Right

Updated 03/03/2021 Sometimes the greatest meals on vacations are the ones you find when Plan A falls through – Anthony Bourdain How long will it take? One of the most common questions I receive that I always try to avoid … Read More

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Time Management is Dead – How to Create Time to Focus on What Matters

Updated 24/02/2021 How many times have you said to yourself that you haven’t got the time? “I haven’t even had two minutes to get that done.” Have you been trying to arrange that meeting for weeks, but keep having to … Read More

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What type of driver are you? Is it killing your business growth?

Updated 17/02/2021 With another weekend gone, many of us will have hit the motorway for a drive out somewhere. We all know the types of drivers that inhabit the tarmac roads that facilitate our journeys. We can draw parallels with … Read More

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